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Information For Patients


COVID-safe protocols will be employed with the latest government advice.  It is asked that all patients have had at least two approved COVID-19 vaccinations and proof of vaccination status and a COVID screen will be required at the time of your appointment.

Do I need a referral to make an appointment?

Referrals need to be made in writing by a treating medical practitioner and should include the reason for the assessment as well as the results of any previous assessments or relevant correspondence, neuroimaging, discharge summaries, ambulance reports and emergency department records.


Please note that neuropsychological assessments are not currently available under Medicare, therefore Mental Health Care Plans (MHCP)s are unable to be accepted for neuropsychological assessment.  


Referrals can be sent via email to or, or via post to Level 8, 45 Murray St, Hobart, 7000 or 277 Macquarie St, Hobart, 7000.


Dr Denehey can be contacted on 6224 8448 or 0408 108 031.

How do I cancel an appointment?

If an appointment is required to be cancelled within 7 days of the appointment date, a fee of 25% of the assessment fee will be payable.


If an appointment is cancelled within 24 hours of the assessment or if a patient fails to attend, the full fee for the assessment component (3-5 hours) will be payable.

© 2022 by Dr. Sigrid Denehey - Neurosigcology

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